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Suppliers of Reference Materials, Standards, and Isotopes

commission on isotopic abundances and atomic weights
Since 1899, CIAAW is charged with the critical evaluation and dissemination of the atomic weights. To provide an up-to-date comprehensive overview, the Commission has evaluated all isotopic composition reference materials that have played a significant role and/or were available to a wider scientific audience.
CIAAW website + data tables
EU Science Hub
IRMM reference materials catalogue
The IRMM searchable catalogue contains information about the reference materials distributed by IRMM. You can browse the catalogue by matrix, analyte or application field. Certified values, certificates, certification reports and material safety data sheets where available can be accessed via the search interface.
Search the catalog and order online
Eurisotop has a catalog of more than 15,000 chemical compounds covering various fields of application, including proteomics and genomic research, biotechnology discovery, organic synthesis, and pharmaceutical development, as well as manufacturing. We supply the scientific community with stable isotope-labeled chemicals (many of which are produced by Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.), as well as isotopic gases, NMR solvents, isotopic metals, and clinical trials substrates.
View the Eurisotop website
Reference products for environment and trade
The IAEA provides reference materials (RMs) to laboratories world-wide to assist them in the quality assurance of the results they obtain by nuclear analytical techniques. More than 90 different reference materials are distributed by the Agency. Each of these is characterised for analytes belonging to one of the following groups: Radionuclides, Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury, Organic Compounds, Stable Isotopes.

Supplier of stable isotopes and radioisotopes.
We have been in business since 1996 and are a premier manufacturer and global supplier of stable isotopes and select radioisotopes for science, medicine and industry. We ship worldwide. Assuming we have your isotope in inventory, we can arrange same-day shipment.
Visit the Isoflex website
national institute of standards and technology
The SRM Order Request System (ORS) is your online resource for ordering and requesting information on all of your SRM/RM. This service enables you to browse for materials, search for materials by number or keywords, or submit a request to purchase materials.
SRM Online Request System
SHOKO Science Co., Ltd.
Standard Reference Compounds for stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS)
Our stable isotope business has started by introducing technology of enriching 15N from the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in 1972. Since then we manufacture 15N enriched compounds as a sole manufacturer in Japan.
Shoko Science Website
reference materials and calibration services
The Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory (RSIL) of the U.S. Geological Survey provides isotopic reference materials and calibrates user-supplied materials. Reference materials are suitable for use in calibration of analytical instrumentation, for testing analytical methodologies, and for use as quality control samples.
Reston Stable Isotope Lab